
发布时间:2016-05-17 18:59 【来源:



    Interviewer: Hi Dean Mao and Elaine. Congratulations on this collaboration of RBS and MBS. Could you please give (us) some comments on this collaboration?


    Mao: It’s a very exciting product for us. Of course over the years we have put on a lot of emphases on internationalization. This programme gives new direction; we can provide new service for our students. We can utilize online technology; MBS of course is an expert in that. So we are very excited, very happy about this new collaboration.


    Ferneley: We are very excited as well. We have been working in China for some time, but the opportunity to work with Renmin, with a business school here, to bring Chinese professionals into a truly joint (designed) programme where they can experience both Chinese education and British Education is something we are really excited by.


    Interviewer: So the first question is for both of you. We all know that RBS and MBS are famous business schools in the world. So, what are the advantage and disadvantage of the both schools?


    Mao: Would you like to begin? Haha…毛院长:Elaine您先

    Ferneley: ok, so I suppose the advantage first of all for Manchester Business School, is that we are what’s called a Practice-Based business school. So we bring practitioners as well as academics into the classroom. We like the students to practice very actively in their learning, so it’s small group, highly interactive learning. You asked me for disadvantage; so I suppose disadvantage for some students is that it’s hard. Some students find it quite hard to be in small groups and work very closely with other people. Because we are British, we can be quite critical sometimes. I think that’s good, but students can find that hard as well to have to deal with constructive criticisms.


    Mao: In terms of our advantage to bring into this collaboration. The first thing comes to mind, is our very close engagement with business communities in China. Our position is to be experts of Chinese management. This of course is based on very long history of serving the Chinese community. Large number of our faculty members serve as board members, senior advisors and so forth. So, we have very close engagement with the business community. That’s our first advantage. Secondly, we draw our strength from Renmin University. The entire university is very intensive in Humanities and Social Sciences. So that give our student a very broad perspective. So we can teach our students lots of soft skills, not only engineering, technical and analytical capabilities. So that is our advantage as well. And I just noticed the acronyms of the two business schools rhyme. MBS, RBS. Of course I can’t think of any strong disadvantage. I guess, the distance, the physical distance. It could be nice, It would be nicer if the students could actually travel back and forth and more closely interact with the faculty on each side. Of course, with the distance technology, with the internet, that barrier is much easier to overcome withdistance technology.

    毛院长: 人民大学商学院的优势,尤其在这个合作全球MBA项目中的最大体现,首先在于人民大学商学院在中国经济商业领域的深厚积累和丰富资源。商学院长期以来被广泛认可为中国商务管理的专家,这也源于我们在中国经济发展过程中与各个机构的紧密互动。人民大学商学院的师资队伍中,有一大批来自企业的资深高官及商业顾问,他们为学院带来丰富的中国商业经济最新的趋势。其次,我们商学院依托人民大学深厚的人文底蕴,赋予学生更广阔的视野。学生不仅能够在学院学习工程、技术、分析等技能,而且能加强自身的软实力。我注意到我们两所商学院的缩写,MBS,RBS十分接近。对于弱势,我认为人民大学商学院没有。当然,由于我们的校园在北京,不少学生免不了长途奔波,影响了学生与教授互动的质量。但是,现在有了曼彻斯特商学院的强力加盟,通过互联网技术,线上线下结合的混合式学习模式将解决过去的困难。

    Interviewer: So next question is for Elaine. How does MBS leverage the resources and core value globally and especially in China?


    Ferneley: So, Our core values are about transforming people. We do believe we wish to take people and transform those individuals and also enable them to transform their work environment. By working on this collaboration, we are going give students the opportunity to not only have the western education but also learn about Chinese management practices. So I think that will be truly transformational experience not only for MBS but also for RBS students to see the two sides of Management education. That’s what we really hope for this particular collaboration.


    How do you comment the roleof RBS - MBS China Centre?

    记者: 人大商学院与曼彻斯特商学院中国中心的坚实合作有怎样的战略意义?

    Ferneley: So the RBS - MBS centre which will be here in Beijing, the opportunity there for students to study here, not only (for) students who usually would study here, but students from all parts of the world, giving them the opportunity to come to Beijing to experience the capital and also to have the opportunity to work with the professors here, is something that’s going to be unique as part of this particular programme.


    Interviewer: Okay. I think the next question is for Dean Mao. Congratulations to as we all know that RBS is ranked as the 2nd place in the Financial Times among the business schools, so how RBS achieved this?

    记者:谢谢!下面想问毛院长一个问题。 首先祝贺毛院长, 在本年度《金融时报》全球MBA百强榜中人民大学商学院位列中国大陆地区第二位。请问学院是如何取得如此傲人的成绩?

    Mao: Thank you for noting that. We are very pleased with the ranking result. I think you asked a good question. My answer is that our students are very good to begin with. They are very eager to learn, the motivation to learn is very tong. And of course we have to be able to provide the transformational experience for them to progress well after their graduation. How do we do that? I have to attribute that to our faculty quality. RBS has the longest history of management education in China. Our faculty members pay lots of attention putting lots of effort in teaching. We are very serious about classroom experience of the students. Research is important for us. That’s the basic knowledge source for quality education. Our faculty members are highly effective. They have recorded reputation in China for being effective in classroom teaching. Going back to earlier factor, management is fundamentally a practice. With so much practical experience, our faculty members accumulate from their industry experience. They are able to bring relevant and rigorous knowledge to classroom. I think that helped students a lot.


    Interviewer: The next question is for Elaine. We all know that Chines economy is booming. More and more expats are coming to China. What is the advantage does MBS have for foreign students?


    Ferneley: So as you say, the China’s economy is booming. Our students want to learn more about that. The opportunity for our students to work with businesses in China; to understand the way in which Chinese businesses operate is very important for our students. So it is critical for us that our students get as much opportunity as possible to come and experience China, to be taught by Chinese professors, and to learn about Chinese management practice, and to learn how to trade and work with Chinese companies is something that would be of tremendous benefit to our students in the future.


    Interviewer: Okay. Thank you. So next question for Dean Mao. We all know that RBS is a very famous business school in China. How is RBS (going) to blend on-the-ground business practice into the courses?


    Mao: Well, we have, as I mentioned earlier, a very strong faculty team closely engaged with current practice. Secondly, we have a number of platforms to help our students to gain practical experience. For example, we have a so-called ‘team action project’, which basically is a practical consulting project. Students are grouped into small teams led by faculty members to do real consulting projects. Every year they are many consulting projects like these. And we also have a large number of, what we call professional or business mentors. They are usually our alums or they are also business executives, or entrepreneurs, very successful. They are in every stage of our education. They start helping us to do the student interviews in the selection process, and read the student theses, and also provide apprenticeship, internship opportunities for our students. So we rely upon the business community to help our students to gain the relevance and currency of practice, the best practices


    Interviewer: Thank you. So next question, Elaine, how this jointly (launched) programme help for the international business leaders?


    Ferneley: How it make people become international business leaders? So, addition to them getting the opportunity to work with people from either the UK or China, our programme runs around the world in other locations as well. So we deliver our programme in the Middle East in Dubai, so we will bring be bring in students from the middle east, here, it’s part of this joint activity. The students equally get the opportunity to go to the Middle East if they wish. We also have centres in Singapore and Hongkong, together with operations in Brazil and also in the US. So the opportunities for students to have a truly international experience, by other travelling overseas as part of the programme. Or, and perhaps more importantly for most students, the opportunity for international students to come here and be taught with the students who are resident here would be outstanding, an opportunity for individuals. Of course in addition to that, are our faculty is extremely international. So the faculty who will be coming here to teach, many of them are British, but in addition to that, we draw our faculty from the four corners of the earth. So there will be a very international faculty coming here and to work with colleagues here and teach students on what would be a truly international programme.



    Interviewer: Okay. So the next question is for both of you. What kind of students do RBS and MBS like most?


    Mao: I think it’s good for all MBA students – internationalization is more important than ever. I think Elaine probably will agree with me on this. One of the most important driving forces in today’s business world is globalization. We need to give students broadened line of vision. It’s very important for them to understand business operation in China and more importantly overseas. So in that, from that stand point of view, it’s very important for every student. They can improve their understanding of the western theories and practices, improve their language proficiencies, highly close interactions with professors from MBS and students from very strong British background and culture. It’s going to be a very rich experience and it’s going to help their career tremendously.

    毛院长: 我认为国际化对于所有的MBA学生都十分重要,相信Elaine也十分赞同。国际化是推动当今经全球化的动力。我们需要赋予学生全球化视野,因此这是所有MBA学生必备的特质。他们能够提升对西方商业理论和实践的人质,增强语言沟通能力,与MBS的学生和教授建立生后的交流互动平台,以走进英国文化北京,相信这个项目将带来十分丰富的学习体验,致力学生的职业发展。

    Ferneley: Yes, I absolutely agree that students who are interested in the global experience. We live in the globalized world. The sort of students I like are the students who are genuinely open to different experiences, to different cultures, to being questioned, who are curious, students who really do want to learn not only the academic subjects but also learn about themselves through exposure to an international cohort of students is something I think is what we are really looking for, curious students who want to be challenged.

    Ferneley教授: 是的,我绝对同意毛院长,国际化是当前最重要的议题。我们身处全球化环境,我欢迎那些乐于迎接多样化体验的学生,接受不同文化,同时勇于面对具有批判性思维的问题;也鼓励不仅会向教授学习,也有能力在一个国际化学习氛围中从自身经验学习的学生进入我们。希望乐于迎接挑战的学生成为我们的一员。

    Interviewer: I quite agree with you. So what of overseas experience would MBS offer for those students?


    Ferneley: So for the students who come onto this programme, they will get the opportunity to be taught here obviously. If they are able, then they can also come and take their programme or part of the programme overseas either in the UK, so they can come to our campus in Manchester, or as I said, we have campuses in other places as well. so they can take part of the programme in Dubai in the Middle East, Sinagpore , Hongkong, in shanghai, they could also take part of the programme in the US or in Brazil.


    Mao: It’s a real star advantage. unique. 毛院长:这是该项目的最大亮点之一。

    Ferneley: They can travel the globe if they wish. Ferneley教授:学生们可以在全球完成这个MBA项目。

    Interviewer: So Dean Mao, how do you think about this strategic alliance of MBS and RBS?


    Mao: I value this partnership very much. Fundamentally we are a local business school. But with a very significant international dimension, we are increasingly internationalizing ourselves, in terms of faculty teams, in terms of student composition, in terms of our programmes’ administration. We have many many different partnerships, but this one is very unique. The main element in this collaboration is Double- Degree programme (optional). We can combine our strength. We can offer students a totally different new experience. Plus I mentioned earlier, the element of distant learning, combination of class room and distance learning, combination of two different faculty teams. And plus the opportunity to study at different places. These are very unique advantages. And it gives us a new angel of internationalization and new direction of innovation. So my colleagues and I very much look forward to this new collaboration.

    毛院长: 我认为这次的战略联盟十分有价值。我们作为一所本土商学院,在师资,生源,课程设计等方面越来越国际化。我们在国际上建立了很多战略合作,然而与MBS的战略联盟非常独特。首先,我们将共同打造一个MBA学位项目。双方将结合自身强项,为学生提供独一无二的学习体验,此外,正如我之前提到,互联网在线学习与线下课堂体验的结合,以及两个不同的教学团队的结合,此外,学生将有更多的机会到海外学习体验部分课程,都将是独一无二的优势。该项目给了我们全新的全球化视角和创新模式。学院的同仁和我对此都十分期待。

    Interviewer: That sound like a very exciting programme. When would it begin?


    Ferneley: It’s going to begin in July 2017. Ferneley教授: 该项目将于2017年7月开学。

    Interviewer: OK, Could you please give us some brief introduction of the courses?


    Ferneley: So the course or programme starts with what I’ve called foundations of management. So courses such as Economics, Accounting, Marketing, and Operations Management Courses. Students need to understand the basics of business, then you move onto the more integrated courses, where people learn about strategy, about how to finance businesses, so Corporate Finance and the human dynamic of business, so we have Organizational Behavior, People Management and Organizations type of courses. The of course students can take electives from our particular schools. So we both have strength in different areas, so the students can specialize through electives. Building on the expertise we both have in very much practical project work, the students can then do very practical projects with either ourselves or with Renmin. So, the course, foundations first, then start to get them to think about more integrated aspects of business, allow them to specialise through electives, then practice in substansive project based, fire-facing work.

    Ferneley教授: 我们的项目将从全球管理体系基础开始,引入经济学,会计,市场营销,运营管理等课程。学生在掌握商业基础理论实践后,进一步学习更为综合全面的课程,包括战略管理,金融,因而我们设立的公司财务,组织行为学等课程。此外学生也可以选择选修课程并可以在自己选定的海外中心学习。MBS在不同管理领域都有深厚的实力,学生能够自己制定 MBA课程。MBS与RBS都十分重视商业实践,学生能够在MBS 或RBS师资的指导下完成商业实践项目。该项目的根本在于从综合商业管理出发,鼓励学生通过选修课加深自身专业素养,并参与完成基于真实商业项目的实践。

    Interviewer: Okay, thank you. Say something to some prospective students.


    Mao: Join us, welcome, any time.


    Fernley: We look forward to seeing you at RBS or MBS soon.


    Interviewer: 谢谢大家!(Thank you all.)

    Mao: Thank you very much.

    Ferneley: Thank you.